Everyone who uses windows have a problem on creating files with name CON,PRN,NUL and so on,
They say it as a bug.But now check for yourself.About the whole issue.
Anyone with DOS experience would recognize "nul", "prn" and "con" are not "special files in windows to maintain the FAT table" but are used for typical batch entry. (That's not a bug, that's a feature!)
I still use con (short for console?) on occasion to create test files ala copy con hello.txt "
Suggesting that we should all switch to Linux because we can't name a file "con" is retarded. It seems you are implying that if MS released the source to windows then somehow you would be able to live with restricted filenames, perhaps causing you to grow an imagination to discover great alternatives such as "null", "prnt", and "conn".
Until then stick with you Linux where presumably you can create files with any name such as "/", "\!@&#", or "AbooIsADumb@ss".
Those who have DOS they can still create these files with the help of this
Its done
go to windows Explorer & verify it
HOLA!! u did it.
புதிய கல்விக் கொள்கை விளக்கக் கருத்தரங்கம்
8 years ago
Its nice trick ...
But please tell me if i have created con named dir in C:\ ,how can i delete it
it says always the path cannot be specified when i try to delete it through dos or manually