World vIrus alert : RED ALERT

Posted by Deathlord | Tuesday, March 31, 2009 | | 0 comments »

The world virus alerts are spreading all over the world about a sophisticated internet worm which is about to spread after the fools day.

After the day of April 1st the fools day there are possibilities of a virus spread across the world wide web by a worm called as "Conficker C" which is a sophisticated piece of malicious computer software, or malware, that installs itself on a PC hard drive via specially written web pages and then conceals itself on a computer.
Graham Cluley, of the security specialist Sophos, has claimed that Conficker C is programmed to hunt for new instructions on April 1.So many other specialists from London claims that there are dangers across the internet on 1st of April and the alerts are spreading across widely.

Anti virus programs, where are they? asked many people around the world in many discussion forums and blogs.Many anti virus programs are updating their virus definitions as soon as possible and they request to keep updating their definitions.

Please do note that people are in fear to use the internet on April 1st but, there is no harm until and unless you access remote website and unknown and unverified contents.


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