ESET Nod32 Antivirus is possibly the Best Antivirus I have ever used. I do not consider myself to be an expert to judge all the antivirus software out there, but from my personal experience I have found this to be the most suitable one for my requirement. It is much lighter compared to other Antivirus software, with hardly any bloatware. It consumes very less memory and does its job of securing the PC without any issue.
I will help u guys in giving some working keys for a period of 100 days and if u still like that i will better suggest u to buy the original version , because I am strongly against PIRACY . . just follow this steps to get that trail keys . ..
Steps :
1. Go to this Promotional Offer page.
2. Enter your email in the text box provided.3. Check your inbox. You must have got a mail containing a code from :
Pateicamies Jums par izrвdоto interesi par Eset produktiem!
Jыs variet piereмistrзt licenci рajв interneta adresз:
Lai to reмistrзtu, izmantojiet reмistrвcijas kodu:
4. Go to and check “Jauna License”
5. Fill in the details as given below:
Reģistrācijas kods: Enter your code
Reģistrācijas kods atkārtoti: Enter your code again
Klienta vārds: Enter your name
E-pasts: Enter your e-mail
E-pasta adrese atkārtoti: Enter your e-mail again
6. Click on “Send” button and copy your license info.
Lietotāja vārds: EAV-xxxxxx is your user name
Parole: xxxxxxx —> is your password
Derīgs līdz: 24.07.2009 –> is your expiration date
That’s it!! Enjoy ESET Nod32 Antivirus for FREE .. . .
any queries feel free to ask me ..

Haven't heard of this ! Quite a new trick..Will try this and see if it works
I have used AVG protection for many years now, and I'd recommend this solution to you all.